Friday, June 21, 2013

what's happening...

...on the face of it, nothing...
...but if you ask me, I would say, many things are happening.

They are happening silently, though.

And a few, not so silently.

I returned to Calcutta 33 hours ago. My little daughter refused to stay away and insisted on living with me in the green "house", which is the proposed greenhouse at the new farm, whenever ti is ready. I had to spin a long tale to buy time and promised to get the green-"house" ready soon!?!

The proposed new farm is like a dancing of the shadows; now here, now there, suddenly no where and suddenly there again! Between a mirage of an impending panchayat election and the irritating changes in demand of the land owners, we are swinging. Just like a kite on a string and I wonder who is holding the string...

Any way, our banking friends are a bunch of wonderful guys. They have never refused to see us, talk to us, give us a hot cup of tea and a warm shake-hand. Often I wonder, are they not the real Bhoomi fans, the real believers?!

Oh! Before I sign out today, here is a piece of news for you...TOMATO IS RETAILING AT 150 A KILO TODAY IN CALCUTTA; BRINJAL TOUCHED 180 A KILO LAST WEEK, GREEN CAPSICUM IS 140 A KILO.Green Chilly is at 120 a kilo in retail.

All I can say is, our pre-paid food plan is just so right...just wait and see what it can do.


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Journey of Bhoomi Crop

Journey of Bhoomi Crop
Bhoomi Crop is the first limited liability organised farming and distribution company in Bengal. Four CXO level friends put this together. We have no formal training in the art and science of farming and everyday, I, Kaushik Mukherji, learn a new lesson at the farm. Illiterate farmers in the villages, the closeby IIT (Kharagpur) are my teachers and supporters. We are extremely bullish on this business opportunity, which is already making a social difference too.